The Interactive Streaming Revolution is here.

Transforming Viewing Experiences
Playvu transforms the way audiences engage with streaming content.
As a highly adaptable video player integrated into the Konnect platform, Playvu offers the unique capability to play multiple synchronized video feeds simultaneously, while allowing end users to interact with dynamic overlays they control.
Customization at Its Core
With Playvu, crafting a distinct user journey is not just an option; it's a central feature that allows broadcastersto bring their creative vision to life, setting them apart in a crowded digital space.

Designed for fan interaction

Playvu is not just about watching; it's about participating. The platform brings a suite of engagement tools that turn passive viewers into active participants.
Interaction features
Live Chat & Polling: Engage with viewers in real-time through integrated live chat functions and interactive polling, fostering a community around your content.

Comments and Reactions: Allow users to comment on videos, react to moments as they happen, and engage in discussions, creating a rich, communal viewing experience.

These features are designed to deepen the connection between the content and the viewer, offering an unprecedented level of engagement that goes beyond the screen.
Speed & synchronization are the common thread … but we’ve fixed it​
Playvu offers viewers a seamless experience by delivering CMAF streams, guaranteeing compatibility across all devices and platforms. Additionally, it provides an extensive array of interactive features to choose from, along with the flexibility to customize and align with your brand.

Get Playvu with Stream

Get Playvu when you sign up for Stream

Sign up for your Mobii Stream account and enjoy Playvu at no extra cost.
Our products are powered by our Microblock technology, which
makes sub-500 millisecond ultra low-latency a reality.

<500ms ULL

We deliver Glass to Glass in sub-500 millisecond latency thanks to our patent pending Microblock Technology.


We generate CMAF (Mpeg-Dash / HLS) streaming outputs, which are compatible with every major CDN and your video player of choice.


Our Microblock technology enables real-time interaction from any end-user device from anywhere in the world.

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