When it comes to deciding which of the many streaming services is worth paying, there only seems to be one definitive dealbreaker: speed. And this request is particularly important for live events –sports matches, championships, concerts, lectures, parades. In other words, those that are not offered by the streaming giants (or at least not yet.)
For example, a survey by technology provider Limelight Networks found that 59.5 percent of respondents would be more likely to watch live sports online if the stream wasn’t delayed.
This slow or delayed streaming service is still a pain point, although it should not. The state of technology today does allow for a reliable, fast, and constant connection.
For example, there is next level low latency technology that basically solves distribution directly from the source, thus eliminating the factors that contribute to a constant lag and crash. This tech providing live multi-angle content can be streamed to consumers in HD in less than 4 seconds. Compared to the typical 30 second delay from broadcasts, this basically nulls traditional competitors.
It still faces a new type of competition: social media apps, which despite also having connection issues sometimes, are still the go-to platform for people who want to watch reactions or events in real time. However, this low latency technology is still a good option and has plenty of opportunities to be monetized.
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